
Attention can be subdivided into “basic” or “complex” attention (Daffner et al, 2015)

  • basic attention is prerequisite for all other cognitive processes, it involves being present and sustaining focus on a simple task.
  • basic attention can be tested with digit span forward or TMT-A
  • complex attention involves controlling, shifting, and dividing attention based on context
  • complex attention can be tested with Stroop test, months of the year backwards, or TMT-B

Neuropsychological tests of attention (Daffner et al, 2015)

  • Continuous performance test (CPT)
  • Corsi blocks
  • Digit span forward & backward
  • N-back
  • Oral trail making
  • Paced auditory serial addition test (PASAT)
  • Sequential operation series (i.e. months of the year backwards) (within public domain)
  • Trail making test, parts A & B (within public domain)


Daffner, K. R. et al. Improving clinical cognitive testing: Report of the AAN Behavioral Neurology Section Workgroup. Neurology 85, 910–918 (2015).