Left Parietal Cortex

Gerstmann syndrome (angular gyrus syndrome) - localized to dominant inferior parietal lobe (Rusconi 2018)

Characterized by 4 symptoms:

  • a writing disability (agraphia or dysgraphia)
  • a lack of understanding of the rules for calculation or arithmetic (acalculia or dyscalculia)
  • an inability to distinguish right from left
  • an inability to identify fingers (finger agnosia)


Left temporoparietal junction: sensorimotor interface – primary affected region of logopenic PPA (trouble with word retrieval, transforming the idea into a word)


Rusconi, E. Gerstmann syndrome: historic and current perspectives. in Handbook of Clinical Neurology vol. 151 395–411 (Elsevier, 2018). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29519471/